Gender Justice
Our Gender Justice track draws attention to the obvious reality – women and girls are challenged by discrimination and inequality in every spectrum of life compared to their male counterparts. Daily they experience violence, exploitation and unequal treatment. At the home front, at the work place and in the communities they are starved of opportunities to acquire knowledge, to participate in decision-making processes, to earn a living and to lead.
Because of these limitations, women form the highest population of the poor.
RDI affirms its conviction that enjoying equal rights irrespective of sex or gender is a fundamental human right. Therefore, RDI Gender Justice Advocacy seeks to mainstream gender and support to the organization. The desk officer will work with all departments and partners to ensure that gender equity principles are incorporated into all policies and activities of the organisation.
Our Areas of Intervention
- Support, training and technical assistance to communities and partners on gender and related topics.
- Media Engagements
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Policy Engagement